Freebies & Discounts for NHS & Frontline Staff

The pandemic has changed the life of people a lot and it has been a test for the NHS and medical staff to fight against this pandemic. So it is our utmost duty to provide some relief to the NHS and the medical staff in this difficult times. Here today I have bought up a list of freebies and discounts that Medical staff can avail. I am posting this list to thank all the emergency and NHS staff for their hard work and devotion during the pandemic. The way the medical staff has fought against the pandemic and saved many people’s life is exceptional. The places or businesses below are has different discounts and freebies to offer which the emergency or NHS staff can avail by using their ID cards or their uniforms.


Free Film on

You can watch a free film if you are NHS staff, all you have to do is to sign up for and then you can claim for free film. You will have to sign up with your NHS email and then you can watch your free movie on Rakuten website.


Harley Therapy

The medical staff is facing many difficulties in the workspace and this pandemic has turned out to be a very tough exam for the medical staff. So in order to boost up their mental health they staff also need some support sessions so that they could perform well. So to solve their problem Harley Therapy is offering free session for the NHS staff which you can claim by signing up with the email address that you have got from the NHS.


Turtle Bay

Turtle Bay is one of the famous restaurant chains of the United Kingdom that has branches all over the country. Currently they are offering 20% discounts for all the NHS members on all type of food. In order to avail the discount you will have to create a Defence Service account or either a Blue Light account. They are offering these discounts to show their solidarity to the NHS staff.



Fitbit is an electronics company that is also in the list of the companies that are providing discounts to NHS staff members. You can get a Fitbit tracker and a clip accessory for free if you have an NHS email. All you need to do is to make an account with your NHS email or you can update your email address if you already have an account. You can switch back to your previous email after the purchase.



Morrisons is the fourth largest supermarket chains in the United Kingdom. To show their respect to NHS staff they are offering them a 10% discount on all kind of grocery shopping. You can avail the discount now.


Blue Light Tickets

Most of the NHS staff or emergency staff would be familiar to the Blue Light card. This service is specially designed for NHS workers and emergency staff in order to facilitate them with discounts. If you have a card you can avail a lot of different discounts from Blue Light Tickets. So if you do not have a card rush to website to make a card.


Kids Pass

Kids pass is one of the saving club of the United Kingdom. If you are currently working in NHS, you can get a 6 month free pass for kids pass. You can enjoy discounts on almost everything by using the kids pass.


Yoga Download

Yoga is one the mind soothing activity that can boost your mind up and as an emergency worker, you will need a session of Yoga to get yourself charged. Yoga download is offering a 20% discount on the 3 month membership for all the workers of NHS.



Headspace is company that specialises in meditation. This company is really helping the medical staff to relax a bit because the meditation really helps to improve the mental health of the staff. If you are a NHS worker you can sign up for the Headspace premium for free.



To show their support to the NHS staff who are working hard in the pandemic Justpark is offering a 10% discount on all the spaces for NHS and critical staff across the country. You can visit their website for more details.


Costa Coffee

If you live near a gulf petrol station where you can find free coffee, then you can get a free cup of your Costa Coffee if you are a NHS worker or if you have a Blue light card. There are a lot of Gulf petrol stations in the Scotland, North of England and the Wales.


Dr. Will’s Sauce

Another amazing discount in the list, you can get a 30% of discount on all of the Dr. Will’s sauces if you are an NHS worker. In order to get your discount, you will have to send an email from your NHS email address to and then you will receive a code that you can use at any of the Dr. Will’s location to get the discount.



McColl’s has done something special for all the NHS and emergency services members, you can get your free coffee or tea from your nearest McColl’s. So if you are travelling near one of their stores, you should pay them a visit to enjoy your free cup of tea or coffee.


Access Free Storage

If you are an NHS worker or an emergency services member, you can get a 20% discount on the access life storage. They have a number of different stores in the United Kingdom where you can store your items. To find the nearest store, you can visit their website.


So these were the places where you can get a discount or freebies if you are an NHS worker or an emergency services member. Let us know about your feeling by commenting in the section below.

Posted on: April 26, 2021